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Site Name | Site 1 | Comments |
Discovery | What are The OU's Targeted? In AD | Are they missing any in OU's IN AD ?? |
From AD | In above Ou's Howmany Computers are there? (From AD) | may be a difference in SCCM vs AD |
in SCCM | Now List howmany in SCCM | may be a difference in SCCM vs AD |
Run the AD stale Computers Command | Use this link | Computers that are not connected in network or not logged on more than 90 means computer not there in network and SCCM treats as Stale and it will not discover |
Get the difference of computers(AD-StaleAD-in Totall SCCM) | Totall?? | |
Now get the Totall non SCCM Clients show in your clients report and fix by using below two tools | ||
Use these script to install the SCCM Client on remote computers | ||
-remotly install on many systems once by using these scripts | | USE SCCM Client action tools ..need to configure the .ini file as per your requirement check the blog |
- Single computer based tool | | If it is a one computer use this tool |
Catagorise the problems lile | Ping Online & offline computers with this script | to get the status of computes use this scrip may be usefull before you start work |
WMI & Admin$ issues | | WMI & Admin$ is key to deploy clients |
Once the clinet installation completed check the log | CCMsetup.log,execmgr.log, Clientidmanager.log | check the logs |
Check all these case's before start working |
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